Thursday, March 19, 2015

Eaglenest 2015 - Trip List ( 12th March 2015 - 19th March 2015 )

Long-tailed Broadbill

IT Nature Club always strives to better itself than its previous trips to the same destination.

The Eaglenest trip of 2015 is a very satisfying trip with 273 species added for the trip. One could not have asked for more.

Looking forward to the next fixed departure tour of 2015 ..Bhutan


  1. Rufous-throated Partridge
  2. Kalij Pheasant (lathami)
  3. Red Junglefowl
  4. Lesser Whistling-duck
  5. Bar-headed Goose
  6. Tufted Duck
  7. Gadwall
  8. Ruddy Shelduck
  9. Goosander
  10. Asian Openbill
  11. Woolly-necked Stork
  12. Lesser Adjutant
  13. Greater Adjutant
  14. Striated Heron
  15. Indian Pond Heron
  16. Cattle Egret
  17. Little Egret
  18. Great Egret
  19. Little Cormorant
  20. Great Cormorant
  21. Indian Cormorant
  22. Darter
  23. Peregrine Falcon
  24. Black Kite
  25. Black-winged Kite
  26. Black Eagle
  27. Slender-billed Vulture
  28. Himalayan Vulture
  29. Crested Serpent Eagle
  30. Pallas’s Fish Eagle
  31. Oriental Honey-buzzard
  32. Common Kestrel
  33. Himalayan Buzzard
  34. Rufous-bellied Eagle
  35. Purple Swamphen
  36. Red-wattled Lapwing
  37. Green Sandpiper
  38. Common Sandpiper
  39. Oriental Pratincole
  40. Small Pratincole
  41. River Tern
  42. Common Pigeon
  43. Mountain Imperial Pigeon
  44. Green Imperial Pigeon
  45. Spotted Dove
  46. Barred Cuckoo Dove
  47. Oriental Turtle Dove
  48. Eurasian Collared Dove
  49. Yellow-footed Green Pigeon
  50. Emerald Dove
  51. Vernal Hanging Parrot
  52. Alexandrine Parakeet
  53. Rose-ringed Parakeet
  54. Red -breasted Parakeet
  55. Large Hawk Cuckoo
  56. Lesser Coucal
  57. Greater Coucal
  58. Asian Barred Owlet
  59. Spotted Owlet
  60. Grey Nightjar
  61. Himalayan Swiftlet
  62. Asian Palm Swift
  63. House Swift
  64. Common Hoopoe
  65. Red-headed Trogon
  66. Ward’s Trogon
  67. Indian Roller
  68. White-throated Kingfisher
  69. Common Kingfisher
  70. Pied Kingfisher
  71. Green Bee-eater
  72. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
  73. Oriental Pied Hornbill
  74. Great Hornbill
  75. Rufous-necked Hornbill
  76. Great Barbet
  77. Lineated Barbet
  78. Blue-throated Barbet
  79. Golden-throated Barbet
  80. Coppersmith Barbet
  81. Yellow-rumped Honeyguide
  82. Bay Woodpecker
  83. Rufous Woodpecker
  84. Great Slaty Woodpecker
  85. Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker
  86. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
  87. Darjeeling Woodpecker
  88. Greater Yellownape
  89. Lesser Yellownape
  90. Lesser Goldenback
  91. Greater Goldenback
  92. Black-rumped Flameback
  93. Long-tailed Broadbill
  94. Ashy Woodswallow
  95. Large Cuckooshrike
  96. Black-winged Cuckooshrike
  97. Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike
  98. Common Iora
  99. Grey-chinned Minivet
  100. Short-billed Minivet
  101. Scarlet Minivet
  102. Short-billed Minivet
  103. Brown Shrike
  104. Long-tailed Shrike ( ad tricolor)
  105. Grey-backed Shrike
  106. Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
  107. Spangled Drongo
  108. Bronzed Drongo
  109. Black Drongo
  110. Ashy Drongo
  111. Black-hooded Oriole
  112. Maroon Oriole
  113. Yellow-bellied Fantail
  114. White-throated Fantail
  115. Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
  116. Rufous Treepie
  117. Grey Treepie
  118. Large-billed Crow
  119. House Crow
  120. Great Tit
  121. Yellow-cheeked Tit
  122. Sultan Tit
  123. Yellow-browed Tit
  124. Green-backed Tit
  125. Black-throated Tit
  126. Sand Martin
  127. Sand Lark
  128. Bengal Bushlark
  129. Striated Bulbul
  130. Red-vented Bulbul
  131. White-throated Bulbul
  132. Black Bulbul
  133. Ashy Bulbul
  134. Plain Prinia
  135. Striated Grassbird
  136. Common Tailorbird
  137. Brown-flanked Bush Warbler
  138. Blyth’s Reed Warbler
  139. Chestnut-headed Tesia
  140. Grey-bellied Tesia
  141. Dusky Warbler
  142. Buff-barred Warbler
  143. Ashy-throated Warbler
  144. Lemon-rumped Warbler
  145. Blyth’s Leaf Warbler
  146. Black-faced Warbler
  147. White-spectacled Warbler
  148. Whistler’s Warbler
  149. Grey-cheeked Warbler
  150. Grey-hooded Warbler
  151. Scaly-breasted Wren Babbler
  152. Rufous-throated Wren Babbler
  153. Long-billed Wren Babbler
  154. Pin-striped Tit Babbler
  155. Rufous-capped Babbler
  156. Golden Babbler
  157. Grey-throated Babbler
  158. Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler
  159. Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler
  160. White-crested Laughingthrush
  161. Striated Laughingthrush
  162. Bhutan Laughingthrush
  163. Scaly Laughingthrush
  164. Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
  165. Rusty-fronted Barwing
  166. Streak-throated Barwing
  167. Bugun Liocichla
  168. Red-faced Liocichla
  169. Red-billed Leiothrix
  170. Blue-winged Siva
  171. Red-tailed Minla
  172. Bar-throated Siva
  173. Himalayan Cutia
  174. White-browed Shrike-babbler
  175. Black-eared Shrike-babbler
  176. Yellow-throated Fulvetta
  177. Rufous-winged Fulvetta
  178. Brown-throated Fulvetta
  179. Long-tailed Sibia
  180. Beautiful Sibia ( pulchellus + nigroauritus )
  181. Rufous-backed Sibia
  182. White-naped Yuhina
  183. Whiskered Yuhina
  184. Rufous-vented Yuhina
  185. Stripe-throated Yuhina
  186. Black-chinned Yuhina
  187. White-bellied Erpornis
  188. Black-throated Parrotbill
  189. Grey-headed Parrotbill
  190. Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill
  191. Fire-tailed Myzornis
  192. Oriental White-eye
  193. Brown Dipper
  194. White-tailed Nuthatch
  195. Beautiful Nuthatch
  196. Common Hill Myna
  197. Great Myna
  198. Jungle Myna
  199. Asian Pied Starling
  200. Common Myna
  201. Chestnut-tailed Starling
  202. Blue Whistling Thrush
  203. Plain-backed Thrush
  204. Scaly Thrush
  205. Blue Rock Thrush
  206. Long-tailed Thrush
  207. White-collared Blackbird
  208. Rufous-breasted Bush Robin
  209. Himalayan Bluetail
  210. White-rumped Shama
  211. Oriental Magpie Robin
  212. Indian Robin
  213. White-capped Redstart
  214. Plumbeous Redstart
  215. Black Redstart
  216. Hodgson’s Redstart
  217. Blue-fronted Robin
  218. Common Stonechat
  219. Grey Bushchat
  220. Taiga Flycatcher
  221. Asian Brown Flycatcher
  222. Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher
  223. White-gorgeted Flycatcher
  224. Verditer Flycatcher
  225. Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher
  226. Small Niltava
  227. Large Niltava
  228. Asian Fairy Bluebird
  229. Golden-fronted Leafbird
  230. Orange-bellied Leafbird
  231. Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
  232. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
  233. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird
  234. Mrs.Gould’s Sunbird
  235. Green-tailed Sunbird
  236. Black-throated Sunbird
  237. Fire-tailed Sunbird
  238. Streaked Spiderhunter
  239. House Sparrow
  240. Russet Sparrow
  241. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
  242. White-rumped Munia
  243. Rufous-breasted Accentor
  244. Maroon-backed Accentor
  245. Yellow Wagtail
  246. White Wagtail
  247. White-browed Wagtail
  248. Paddyfield Pipit
  249. Olive-backed Pipit
  250. Dark-breasted Rosefinch
  251. Scarlet Finch
  252. Grey-headed Bullfinch
  253. Red Crossbill
  254. Golden-naped Finch

  1. Hill Partridge
  2. Blyth’s Tragopan
  3. Grey Peacock Pheasant
  4. Common Hawk Cuckoo
  5. Mountain Scops Owl
  6. Collared Owlet
  7. Pale-headed Woodpecker
  8. Mountain Tailorbird
  9. Greenish Warbler
  10. Broad-billed Warbler
  11. Yellow-bellied Warbler
  12. Rufous-faced Warbler
  13. Pygmy Wren Babbler
  14. Bar-winged Wren Babbler
  15. Spotted Laughingthrush
  16. Blue-winged Laughingthrush
  17. Green Shrike-babbler
  18. Black-hooded Shrike-babbler
  19. Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher